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Psychological Assessment

Reflections Psychology Services have Psychological Testing available for both Adults and Children. We have both fully registered and provisional psychologists available for assessment. Fees vary depending on the psychologist and battery of tests used.

All assessment requires a standard initial appointment (rebate may be available), dedicated assessment session(s), report, and will often also include a feedback session for the psychologist to go through the report with you. This may vary depending on the type of assessment you require and will be confirmed or tailored to suit you during your initial appointment. We are able to assess for Intellectual Impairment, Giftedness, Learning difficulties, forensic/court reports, and screening assessments for Neurodivergence in adults (ADHD, Autism).


The following tools are available, the specific tools required will be decided during your initial interview:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-V) is designed to measure intelligence and cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents. It is individually administered with IPads and takes approximately 2 hours for the assessment. The WAIS consists of 10 core subtests that can be used t produce a full scale IQ Score that comprises of four domains: Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Processing Speed. Please contact us for further information.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition, Australian Standard (WISC-V) is an individually administered and comprehensive clinical instrument used to assess the general thinking and reasoning skills of children aged six to 16 years. Test results include a  Full Scale Intelligence Quotient  (IQ) score as well as age-equivalent rankings and scores for verbal comprehension Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning Working Memory and Processing Speed composites. This test can be used for purposes of identifying and intellectual disability, giftedness, specific learning disabilities, placement in specialised programs and clinical intervention. The assessment usually requires 2 hours and is administered using IPads. Our clinicians are experienced in assessment and analysis. Please contact us for more information.

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–III (WIATIII) is a standardized academic achievement test used to measure previously learned knowledge in the areas of Reading, Written Language, Mathematics, and Oral Language. The scores are based on age norms. The WIAT-III is use to identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student; inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or diagnosis of a specific learning disability; and design instructional objectives and plan interventions. Administration varies depending on the age and educational level of the person being assessed.

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) assesses psychopathological syndromes and provides information relevant for clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for psychopathology. The PAI has 22 scales that include Somatic Concerns, Anxiety, Paranoia, Borderline features, Aggression, and Stress. This is a self-report questionnaire that can usually be completed in approximately 1 hour.

The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System – Third Edition (ABAS-3) provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span. It is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. This questionnaire can be completed in about 15-20 minutes by parents, teachers, and adults (self-report).

The Brown ADD Scales allow you to comprehensively assess ADD in individuals of all ages with a focus on executive functioning symptoms. This assessment includes a questionnaire that can be completed both by the individual being assessed and another respondent (e.g. parent, partner, or teacher). This can be used on it’s own as a screener or in combination with a semi-structured interview for diagnostic purposes.

Various Other small screeners and tools including the NICQ Vanderbilt Scales, Autism Quotient (AQ), the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES-II and A-DES), The Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS), Impact of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R), Yale-Brown OCD Scale (Y-BOCS), Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID), and others.