Psychologists use the bio-psycho-social model to assess and assist people with their problems and improve their emotional well-being. Psychologists are trained to talk with people about their problems and concerns. They are experts at making people feel supported and heard. They also help people to better understand what they are experiencing and how to move forward when they are ready though Psychological Therapy.
Psychologists differ from psychiatrists because psychologists don’t prescribe medication. They use a process that is mostly talking therapy that involves conversations with individuals, couples, families or other groups. Mostly psychologists focus on people’s concerns. They help people develop skills and understanding. Common personal concerns include relationship difficulties, grief and loss, difficult life circumstances, anxiety, depression, stress, and health.
Seeing a psychologist is a normal thing for many people trying to work through their problems. Sometimes people require a longer process like psychotherapy, and sometimes people begin seeing a psychologist for one thing and they realise their concerns are more complex.
Therapy with a psychologist can include conversations with the psychologist about a person’s past including their childhood and adolescent years. Often it involves memories of others including parents, teachers, peers or friendships.
Psychologists also provide psychological services such as assessment and diagnosis, treatment, therapy, conflict and mediation, goal setting, communication skills training, problem solving skills development and many more.